Festival@First 7: Shaken Up Shakespeare

directed by Erika Reinfeld

Theatre@First presents its seventh annual festival of one-act plays. Festival@First: Shaken Up Shakespeare features creative adaptations of scenes from Shakespeare's canon and short plays inspired by this work. 


Friday, July 16, 2010 at 8pm

Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 8pm

Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 3pm

Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 8pm

Friday, July 23, 2010 at 8pm

Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 8pm


Festival@First 7: Shaken Up Shakespeare was presented at Unity Somerville, 6 William Street, Somerville.

The performance space is not wheelchair-accessible.

Parking on William St is by permit only. General parking is available on College Ave. Please read signs carefully to avoid ticketing.

Brush Up Your Shakespeare

by Cole Porter

directed by Melanie Arzt

music directed by Jessica Raine

rehearsal assistant J. Deschene

Vinnie Pliers

Switchblade Sal

Doug Miller

Alex Nemiroski

To Be or Not To Be Her

by William Shakespeare

adapted and directed by Liz Adams

rehearsal assistant Nell Pepper




Nellie Farrington

Gilly Rosenthol

Bobbi Woodward

Shakes vs. Shaw

by George Bernard Shaw

directed by Stephanie Clarkson

rehearsal assistant Aubrey McPhail

William Shakespeare

George Bernard Shaw


Rob Roy


Marleigh Norton

J. Deschene

Ariel Faulkner

Andy Lebrun

Aubrey McPhail

Food of Love

by William Shakespeare

adapted and directed by Tara Krueger

William Shatner

Michael Dewberry

Daniel Dolinov

Jon Taie

A Nice Danish Boy

by Mark Harvey Levine

directed by Mare Freed

rehearsal assistant Jay Sekora





Andy Lebrun

Jude Shabry

Lev Makhlis

Katherine Bryant

Harriet IV

by William Shakespeare

adapted and directed by Shelley MacAskill

rehearsal assistant Nick Bennett-Zendzian

Queen Harriet

Harry, Princess of Wales

Doris, Duchess of Clarence


Cindy Bell

Jericho Bicknell

Ariel Faulkner

Lisë Stern

Godzilla vs. Macbeth

by William Shakespeare

adapted and directed by Tom Russell

Porter, a scientist

Macbeth, a politician

Macduff, a general

Lennox, an officer

Banquo, a reporter

Lady Macbeth, the love interest


Marty Seeger

Helen Edgar

Julia Tenney

Katie DiMarca

Kari Ann Ponto

Jenny Gutbezahl

Michael Dewberry

Mindy Klenoff

Jon Taie

The Fifteen Minute Hamlet

by Tom Stoppard

directed by Jess Viator

rehearsal assistant Amy Lee Bennett-Zendzian

Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. New York City 







Leslie Drescher

David Policar

Alyssa Osiecki

Jen Giordano

Brian Rust

Natasha Mogilevskaya 

Production Team

Festival Director

Producer/House Manager

Stage Manager

Technical Director

Master Carpenter

Set Designer

Lighting Designer

Lighting Assistant

Sound Designer

Sound Board Op

Props Coordinator

Hair & Make-Up Coordinator

Costume Designer

Graphic Designer


Erika Reinfeld

Chris DeKalb

Wendy Fields

Briavael O'Reilly 

James Scheffler

Jo Guthrie

Giles Hall

Heidi Clark

Michael Dewberry

Erin Rhode

Melissa Dixon

Arwen Miller

Cara Chiaramonte

Gilly Rosenthol

Peter DeGlopper

Nell Pepper

Jenn Sagotsky